Rice porridge with seven spring herbs

Rice 150g
Water 900cc

Seven spring herbs
-Japanese parsley(Seri)
-Shepherd's purse(Nazuna)
-Gnaphalium affine(Hahakokusa)
-Lapsana apogonoides(Hotokenoza)
-daikon radish(Daikon)

This "Rice porridge with seven spring herbs" is a Japanese traditional meal eaten in January.
The seven spring herbs were believed to remove evil from the body and prevent illness throughout the year. And also it help digestive organs  rest after overeating in newyear.

1.Wash rice, then, add water. Soak for 30 minutes.
2.Cook over a medium heat. Reduce the heat to simmer 40 mins after boils about one minutes.
3.turn off the heat and leave 5mins.
4.Boli Seven spring herbs 1min and chop them.
5.Add chopped Seven spring herbs into boiled rice and mix together.