Jaimie’s Barbecued Fire Salsa


4-6 Garlic Wedges

1-2 Jabañero’s

2-4 Serrano Chiles

1/2 - 1/4 Red Onion

1/2 - 1/4 Sweet Onion

Dozen Tamatillo Tomatoes

2-4 Tomatoes

4 Limes (for juice)

1/2 tablspn red chili flakes

1 tblspn chili powder

1/2 - 1 tblspn smoked paprika

1 tblspn honey

Salt Pepper


Halve Onions & Tomatoes

Barbecue all Ingredients (except for Garlic & Limes)

Put Hickory Chips in aluminum foil, opened in Barbecue, but NOT soaked in water, even okay if they light on fire, for more flavor!

Barbecue until everything gets blackened, but not too soft!

Chop off ends, dice and lightly Blend

Chill for an hour or more and Serve!