Belgian tartar sauce (incl. light version)

  • 1/4 l of mayonaise
  • 1 tsp of mustard
  • 1 large gherkin (or several smaller ones)
  • 1 spring onion
  • 1 boiled egg
  • for light version: instead of 1/4 l of mayonaise, use 1/4 l of yogonaise (half mayonaise, half yoghurt)
  • fresh chives

  1. Chop gherkin and onion, and chives
  2. pratt egg with a fork
  3. add everything together
  4. you may want to add some salt, pepper, tabasco or lemon.
Goes well with: fish, especially fried shrimp or calamares, but also fish'n'chips as pictured in the photo.