This is 10-minutes simple dish, perfect for a fast dinner, it contains enough ingredients in order to keep under restraint your hunger until the night. Match it with an optimum icy beer. I'm sorry for the ugly photo, at the next omelette I'll replace it with a better one.
Follow these simple steps:
1. Slice your cheese and wurstel.
2. Break your eggs in a bowl.
3. Pour a little oil in your pan and let to warm up it.
4. Add a pinch of nutmeg, a drop of milk and a lot of black pepper to your eggs, and whisk it.
5. Put the wurstels into the hot pan and quickly cook them.
6. Add the slice of Emmental to the bowl and spill it into the pan.
7. When the swill become to turns into a solid state, you can have it up, and let flow the remaining liquid under the solid layer.
8. If there are no more liquid on the top, your dish is ready.