Make 4 cups of Japanese rice in a rice cooker, adding in some dried Konbu for extra flavour.
After the rice has cooked, leave it for 20 mins to cool.
Empty all of the rice into a large wooden bowl if possible, and mix with sushinoko powder, mixing gently. If you mix too vigourously the rice will become too stodgy.
Make a small bowl of water and vinegar to use on your hands so that the rice does not stick to you so much.
Then make the rice into little cubes of about 2 inchs x 1inch. Place a small amount of wasabi on the top of the rice and then use some fish, prawn etc to cover the rice.
With the smoked salmon, precut into the right size to fit onto the rice.
Get the dried seaweed and cut into thin strip around 5cm in length. wrap around the salmon rolls, or any other sushi for decoration!
Serve with wasabi and soy sauce.