Stuffed Mushroom



10         Black mushroom medium size 

            (soak and remove the stalk) 

2          cloves of garlic (chopped) 

2          Tbsp of Chinese cooking wine or white wine 

The Filling 

Cut the mushroom stalk finely 

1          Hardboiled egg (diced) 

5          bunch of spinach (cut finely) 

2          stripes of streaky bacon (cut to small pieces) 

½         cup of shredded white and red cheddar cheese 

5          cloves of garlic (finely chopped) 

2          cup of minced pork/chicken


Seasoning on the meat (leave it for 2 hrs) 

1 tsp     salt 

1 tsp     sugar 

1 tsp     black pepper 

2 Tbsp  light soy sauce 

1 Tbsp  water 

Finely chopped garlic 





1) Prepare the mushroom 

Heat the pan and add some cooking oil.  

Stir fry the garlic for 2 minutes. Put in the mushroom, wine and let it boil for 20 min.  Dish the mushroom out and let it cool before add in the filing  

2) Prepare the filling 

Stir fry the bacon until it’s crispy and put aside. 

Stir fry the meat until cooked and then add in the finely chopped spinach and the finely cut mushroom stalk. Stir fry until all are well mixed.  

Dish out the meat and let it cool. 

3) Stuffed the mushroom 

Scope some of the cooked meat onto the mushroom 

Add some eggs and then some bacon 

On top add 3 to 4 shredded cheddar cheese 

Once all mushrooms are filled, prepare the steamer and put in the mushroom. Steam the mushroom for 15 min.