Steamed Chicken (金針雲耳蒸雞 )

- half medium size chicken with bone (diced) - 5g dried fungus (雲耳) - 5g dried red dates (紅棗) - 5g dried lily flower (金針) - 10g dried mushrooms (冬菇) seasoning - 1 tablespoon cooking oil - 1 tablespoon shaohsing(wine) - 2 tablespoon soy sauce - 1 tablespoon flour - 0.5 ground white pepper - 0.5 tablespoon sugar serve 2-4
1. mix diced chicken with seasoning ingredients and leave for 20-30mins 2. soak dried fungus, dried red dates, dried lily flower and dried mushrooms in water seperately until softened. slice mushrooms. 3. mix all ingredients into a deep dish, and steam with high heat for 15mins.