1.5 lbs Jumbo Cooked Shrimp
1.5 cups Peas
1.5 cups Celery, diced
1.5 cups Yellow Onion, diced
4 cloves Garlic
1.5 cup Heavy Whipping Cream
1/5 cup All-Purpose Flour
2.5 cups Chicken Stock
Basil Olive Oil (Substitute: 4 tbsp shredded Basil and plain Olive Oil)
Salt and Pepper
- In a large and deep pan, drizzle olive oil and turn heat to medium. If you don't have basil olive oil, add plain olive with shredded basil.
- Add onions, garlic, and celery and heat until completely tender and can be mashed with a spoon. Turn heat to low.
- Add flour and mix together until the mixture becomes a paste. Keep at low heat.
- Immediately add stock and completely mix together. The stock will open up the paste.
- Turn heat to medium and add shrimp and mix together.
- Immediately add heavy cream. Heat until just before the mixture boils. Turn heat to low.
- Add peas and mix together and cook for another 2 minutes.
This is a great dinner party dish. You can make a lot of it and it cooks in about 15 minutes. Spoon over rice or pasta of choice, sprinkle with more shredded basil, and serve hot.
Serves 4.