Start by getting a large and slightly deep pan. Drizzle with olive oil. Finely cut ginger, garlic, and onions and sautee in oil until translucent on medium heat.
Leave heat on medium and immediately add white wine and stock. Add diced (fresh or frozen) cillantro and parsley to stock. Add salt and pepper to taste. Do not bring to a boil since you're cooking with wine, just keep heat on medium. Stir stock until all ingredients are mixed together, then add muscles.
The muscles will cook in a very short amount of time, like shrimp. You will know they're cooked when they're all open and the muscle meat is tender. Make sure the sauce gets into each muscle shell by spooning the sauce in the shell if needed. The muscles should be ready and fully cooked in 10-15 minutes.
Remove from heat and serve in dish as appetizer or part of main meal.
Serves 2-4.