This recipe rewards taste buds with lots of diversity: crisp and soft, spicy and mild... It's easy and yet so rich.
First we start off with salsa. Chop bell pepper into uber-small bits and heat it in small amount of oil, just to release flavor and soften a bit. Add chopped garlic, 1 tbsp vinegar, stir-fry for a while and remove from heat.
Now finely chop the tomatoes (with seeds and skin) and onion. Put them into bowl, add warm pepper from the pan. Add chopped parsley, lemon juice, 1 tbsp vinegar, freshly ground pepper and sprinkle Tabasco. Set aside.
Prepare marinade for salmon. In deep bowl, mix all ingredients, then add sugar and mix until it is dissolved. (TIP: to determine the amount of marinade you need, just imagine how much liquid in your bowl would almost cover all steaks.) Place washed and dried salmon to soak up the marinade. Wait some time, then heat really small amount of oil in that same pan and fry fish on medium heat. (Next time I'll skip oil entirely, because the fish releases enough fat for itself.) Flip the steaks and pour remaining marinade over them. Finally, grind some pepper and serve. At the same time, salt salsa to taste and serve with fish.
If you want to follow current recipe to photographic precision, then boil some spaghetti to go along, and prepare simple sauce. Here it goes:
In a small pan, melt a knob of butter, then slowly add flour and mix until some thickness appears. Add sour cream and mix until smooth, add spices of your liking. keep sauce warm until serving. Arrange a bed of pasta on a plate, put sauce, salsa and salmon on top. Enjoy!
Update: check out my lighter variation of this recipe: