15 ounces ricotta cheese1 large egg1/2 teaspoon salt1/2 teaspoon peppera large handful of chives, minced7 cloves of garlic, minced1/2 cup finely shredded cheese (I used a mix of Parmesan, Asiago, and Romano)roughly 2 cups of flourmarinara sauce
Bring salted water to a boil. In a large bowl, combine the ricotta, egg, salt, pepper, chives, garlic, and cheeses. Gradually add the flour, 1/4 cup at a time, only until the dough holds together. Remove a small ball of dough and drop in the boiling water— if it falls apart, add more flour and test again. Divide the dough into four equal parts. Roll each section into a long rope about 1-inch in diameter on a well-floured surface. Cut the dough ropes into 1-inch pieces and indent gently with a fork to give them shape. Remove about half of the gnocchi for future dinners—cover them in flour so they don't stick together and freeze. Drop the rest into boiling water and stir gently to prevent sticking. The gnocchi are cooked when they float up to the top.
Drain and serve over marinara sauce with a sprinkling of extra cheese on top.