If you dont like this recipe, you are ill in the head. Get yourself checked out! (Allergy suffers excused).
Serves 2, makes approx 3 burgers (you will have to fight over the spare).
To start - prepare the potatoes/chips;
- DO NOT peal your potatoes. Chips with skins are much nicer!
- Cut you potatoes into rough chip like shapes/sizes.
- Use approx 1 cup of ale to steam the cut potatoes.
- When they are soft enough to put a knife into with little effort, take them of the heat and let them dry out.
Meanwhile, prep the burgers;
- Finely chop a decent handful of the piquante peppers.
- Thinly slice or tear the mozzarella (thin is good here).
- Put the mince into a mixing bowl and mash it up with your hands. The more paste like the better.
- Season with salt and plenty of pepper.
- Add a generous glug of Worcestershire Sauce.
- Crack the egg into the mixture.
- Add the chopped piquante peppers.
- Mix extremely well with your hands.
- Once mixed, take a handful of of the mixture and roll into a ball.
- Using the fleshy bit of your thumb, push the mixture into a thinish burger shape.
- Pressh some mozzarella onto the top of the burger.
- Get another handful of mixture, flatten on top of the other half with the mozzarella.
- Gently roll this up into a ball to make sure it is completely sealed, then flatten out again to make your burger.
- Repeat until all mixture is used.
- Wrap individually in clingfilm and put in the fridge.
By now your potatoes should have dried out nicely;
- Put the potatoes in a bowl and cover with ale. As the potatoes are dry, they should absorb a little ale.
- Let rest for approx 10 mins.
Time to start cooking;
- Heat your oven to approx 220c. Place a baking tray in the oven with a little olve iol in the bottom.
- When the oven is up to temperature, drain the ale off the chips - put them on the baking tray. They should sizzle in the oil. This means everything is at the right temp.
- The chips will take approx 15/20 mins to go slightly crispy and golden brown.
With just over 10 mins left;
- Heat a frying pan or griddle pan to a medium heat.
- Place burgers onto the pan and cook.
- When the chips are ready, pop some buns in the oven to warm.
- Take burgers off the heat and let rest - use a piece of kitchen towl to absorb excess fat.
- Take the chips out the oven and again, use a piece of kitchen towl to absorb excess fat.
- Lightly salt your chips.
- Take the buns out the oven.
- Serve.
I used alittle rocket salad to garnish the burger.