Char Siew

500 gr pork
2 garlic cloves, crushed
2 tablespoons dry sherry
2 tablespoons hoisin sauce
1 tablespoon ketchup
1 1/2 tablespoon soy sauce
1 tablespoon liquid honey
1 1/2 tablespoon brown sugar
pinch of fivespice powder

Maybe not the most of authentic recipes for char siew. But everything is available in my (western) supermarket and the result is pretty much what i expect from chaw siew. In the Netherlands it's often eaten on a sandwich. Alot of Surinamese shops sell sandwiches, more like a little baguette, with all sorts of chinese/indian/indonesian styled (but maybe not all 100% authentic) toppings. My char siew mainly finds its way into fried rice. Maybe also not too authentic, but who cares =)

Cut the pork into thin strips. Mix all the ingredients together. Let the pork marinate as long as possible, but at least 2 hours.

Normally one would bake the char siew in a hot oven. Basting it every now and then with leftover marinade. Sadly my tiny apartment has no oven =( I put all the pork with all the marinade in a little non-stick pan and let it slowly bubble away till everything is cooked and it's a dark brown and sticky goo.

Note - the picture is not the finished char siew. Just a snap from the fridge while marinating.