For two/three persons you'll need:
- spaghetti (how much you like really, 90gr per person is what i use)
- olive oil
- 3 garlic gloves, chopped
- 3 anchovy fillets, chopped
- one can of tuna (250gr)
- splash of white wine
- 2 tablespoons capers (drained and rinsed)
- 4 small tomatoes, chopped
- fresh basil, teared into little pieces
- pepper (and if needed salt)
Simple and very tastefull. There are only two things that can go wrong; timing and applying too much heat.
Timing - you want the pasta ready the moment the sauce is done. You don't want the sauce sitting there some time, the individual ingredients should still be present. Not one big 'every bite is the same' type of sauce. The sauce takes about 10min to make, which is about the same time as most pasta's take to cook. So timing issue solved =)
Heat - cook over a very modest flame. This is no stir fry. You don't need huge flames and alot of noise.
Put the garlic in about two table spoons of olive oil, stir around a couple of minutes. Do not let it become brown. Then add the anchovy. Again, stir a couple of minutes till the anchoy is almost melted. Add the tuna, increase the heat somewhat and add the wine. Let that bubble away till the alcohol is gone. Now add the tomatoes and the capers. By now the pasta should be ready; mix everything together well. Sprinkle with the basil and enjoy =)