1) Cut courgettes, carrots and potatoes in thin washer or in thin stick.
2) Put the egg whites in a bowl and whip it up with a fork.
3) Mix the corn flour with salt and pepper powder or curry powder. Distribute the mixture on a large plate.
4) Warm up the oil in a preheated wok or pan.
5) Dip into the whipped egg whites the vegetables little by little and then cover them with the mixture of flour.
6) Fry the vegetables little by little for 5 minutes or until they are crisp. Go on with it till they run out.
7) When the vegetables are ready, take them off with a perforated cookware and let them drip on greaseproof paper.
8) Put the vegetables on a platter and serve with chilli sauce.
9) (Optional) If you want you can mix remaining corn flour with the yolk and make some little buns. They are nice and taste well with the chilli sauce.