Very common in the northern region of Brazil, mainly in the states of Acre and Pará It is served hot or cold, usually first food of the day.
It can be prepared using bananas ripe or green.
- 2 cups water.
- 1/2 cup sugar (less, if the bananas are very ripe)
- 1 (14 ounce) can light coconut milk
1/4 - cup minute tapioca
- 2 large ripe bananas, cut into 1/2 inch pieces.
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
Banana mature: strip-the banana and cut himself in rodelas from 01 finger.
Banana green: cut to the middle and cut if the kernel
1. Bring water and coconut milk to boil in a medium saucepan.
2. Add sugar, salt, tapioca.
3. Reduce heat to medium low, let it cook for about 30 minutes, stir frequently.
4. Stir in bananas, remove from heat and let stand for 15 minutes.
5. Note: after you add the bananas, don't stir too much, it'll break up the fruit.
6. Serve hot, or chill for 3-4 hours.
7. Cook time not incl.
8. chill time.
Method Rapid:
1. After cutting bananas, already put in a pot with hot water.
2. Let boil until well soften. Mexer well with a spoon to stick to dissolve.
3. Add 01 liters of milk and temper with sugar and a pinch of salt.
4. Place the flour, tapioca (which is already a bit of sauce in water to soften).
5. Mexer well. When pasty, is the point.
- Substitutions of Tapioca: cornstarch (Use half as much. Cornstarch breaks down if it's mixed with acidic ingredients, cooked for a long time, or frozen and thawed.) OR arrowroot (more expensive) OR flour (Use a little more.)
- You can use condensed milk (01 cans) in place of milk.
- Use Cinnamon Powder in the end, leaves a strong flavor, try.