- 1 or 2 tablespoons of curry powder, chili powder, ground cumin, or whatever spices you like
- 4 tbsp olive oil
- potatoes, boiled until just soft and cut into bite-size pieces
- handful of finely chopped onion
- a couple cloves of crushed garlic
- 1 tomato, chopped
- 50g butter
- fresh basil, or whatever else is left in your fridge
- a handful of cheese
I think I threw this together with whatever was left in my fridge.
1. Heat the oil in a fry pan, and add the spices. Toast until your whole kitchen smells like curry!
2. Add a dab of butter and the onions and garlic, and fry until soft.
3. Throw in the potatoes, tomatoes, basil, or whatever else you want to use.
4. Add another dab of butter and fry until the tomatoes are soft and the potatoes start to get crispy.
5. Throw some cheese on top and enjoy.