1. Mix the eggs, the milk, the sugar, the flour, the vanilla sugar and the baking powder
2. When it looks homogeneous, add the melted butter and lemon/orange juice/zest
3. Mix for a minute or so
4. Let the mixture rest for 2 hours
5. Pre-heat the hoven at 220°C
6. Butter the madeleine mold
7. Fill the mould between 1/2 to 3/4 full
8. Put in the hoven for 6 minutes at 240°C then 4 minutes at 200°C (until the madeleines have risen and are very lightly browned)
9. Take out the madeleines and allow to cool
Meanwhile, prepare the chocolate cover:
1. Melt the chocolate with the double boiler technique ("au bain marie" in French)
2. Add the melted butter to it
3. Mix it to obtain an homogeneous paste
10. Lay the madeleines in a (big enough) plate and cover them with the chocolate mixture
11. Let them rest for several hours (in the fridge)
12. Take them out, separate them... and enjoy!