Of the twenty or so dishes that I now know how to cook, this is the one I'm going to whip up for that romantic meal in the garden this summer with my special lady.It's probably the tastiest and easiest thing I can make, and goes down perfectly with a nice glass of wine and a green salad.
Get your water boiling and pop the linguine in. It's probably going to take around 15mins. I like mine al dente.
Whilst that's happening you can prep the rest of your ingredients. Chop up your chili fine, crush your garlic, tear off some fresh basil and rip up some parma ham.
Heat some extra virgin olive oil in the pan (not too hot or you'll burn the garlic like I have done on many an occasion) and get your garlic and chili in there.
After about 30s, get your tomatoes in - I used baby plum tomatoes because they're absolutely delicious, but I don't suppose it matters too much. Get your basil in not long afterwards.
This won't take long at all to be ready, and you don't want to overcook it. Serve directly on top of the linguine and sprinkle the parma ham on top. I prefer not to cook the ham because it looses it's lovely cured texture and taste.
Serve with a green salad and a nice glass.