After a receiving a bounty of lavender from the garden of my girlfriend's parents (much more than I could use in a lifetime) I started experimenting with the herb. This recipe (mostly because of the caramelized onions) is a quick, easy favorite at home.
1. Mix a few tablespoons of floor, salt, pepper (to taste) and a fair amount of crush ed lavender in a shallow bowl.
2. Liberally coat the pork cutlets/chops with the flour mixture, cover and set aside for a few minutes while halving and slicing your onions.
3. Add a bit of butter or olive oil to a pan and fry the pork cutlets until well-browned on both sides.
4. Set your flame to "high" and de-glaze your pan with a bit of white wine. Add the onions.
5. Sprinkle a dash of sugar on to the onions, a bit more butter, an extra dash of wine, and allow the onions to reduce to a lovely golden brown.**Feel free to add more lavender, salt or pepper to taste. Add a bit more flour on top of the onions for a slightly thicker sauce.
6. Finally, serve the caramelized onions over the pork and fruit and enjoy!