Marinated in soy sauce, sesame seeds, garlic, onion, pear juice, black pepper, chili pepper, sugar and salt.
* 3 lbs Short Ribs
* happi6url's sauce
- 2 cups soy sauce
- 1 whole round onion (minced)
- 2 cloves garlic (minced)
- 1 whole pear(or can of pear juice)
- 1/2 cup of sugar
- 3 table spoons of sesame seeds (sesame oil optional)
- 2 table spoons of pepper
- 2 table spoons of sea salt
- 4 table spoons of ketchup
Mix all up and let marinate for a few hours then grill or pan fry. :) First entry! I'll try my best to improve the recipe writing skills.