Italian Ragù

for two servings:

200 gr. veal or pork chops
3 fresh, very mature tomatoes, peeled and sliced into a thin slices
1 small red onion, finely chopped
1 small carrot, peeled and finely shredded
1 tsp salt
1/3 tsp ground nutmeg
1/2 tsp ground black paper
2 tsp dry oregano
4 fresh basil leafs, chopped
2 fresh or dry bay leafs
1/3 cup water
2tbsp extra virgin olive oil

Put the extra virgin olive oil into a deep saucepan and pour over medium low heat. When it's warm enough add the meat chops, sprinkle with black paper and nutmeg and cook stirring occasionally until the meat changes it's color. Add the onion and the carrot, add a few drops of water and cook some minute more until the onion is soft. At this point add the tomatoes, the basil leafs, the bay leafs, the oregano, the salt and the water. Reduce the heat at low, cover and cook stirring occasionally until the tomatoes leave their own liquid and this liquid is reduced in half.
Usually, Italians remove the meat from the saucepan and put it into a serving dish, then they use the rest of the tomato sauce for the pasta. They serve the pasta (usually long kind of pasta: spaghetti or tagliatelle) with the sauce and the meat chops in the center of the table. First eat the pasta, then every one take some piece of meat.