- carrots 175g coarsely grated
- eggs 3
- milk 2tbsp
- golden raisins 75g
- dates 75g, chopped up
- corn oil 75ml
- golden caster sugar 100g
- butter 50g, melted
- orange 1, zested
- dove farm plain gluten free flour 175g
- baking powder 1 and 1/2 tsp
- ground cinnamon 1tsp
- orange juice 1tbsp
- maple syrup or golden syrup 1tbsp
For the frosting
- cream cheese 300g
- clear runny honey 2tbsp
- orange 1, zested
made these yesterday, its a normal recipe I have adapted to be GF. It makes 10 little muffins.
Line a normal muffin tin with 10 paper muffin cases. Pre-heat your oven to 200C/fan 180C/gas 6. Put all your wet ingredients in a bowl, so that's the melted butter, 3 eggs, oil, milk, and add the sugar then whisk these up with an electric whisk till nice and smooth. Add to this your dates, raisins, orange zest, juice, syrup and the grated carrots and give it all a mix. Mmmmm looks yummy doesn't it!
Sift into this the flour, cinnamon and baking powder and lightly fold into the wet mixture. Don't mix this too much, its ok if its a but lumpy. Divide this batter mixture between your ten cases.
Bake for 20 mins until a skewer comes out clean, cool on a rack. When they are cool, mix up your frosting and spread on top, the edges of the cases will keep the frosting in. Store these in the fridge if you don't eat them all in one day, because of the cream cheese.
The non GF husband will eat these, though not for breakfast like I do. They will taste soapy if you put too much baking powder in, and will be dry if you overcook them. GF baking is much more temperamental than normal baking.