Eggs (I can usually manage 2 at a time)
Good Skillet or frypan with a well fitting lid
Olive Oil
A good nob of butter
Salt and Pepper (to Taste)
Hot water for steaming (amount varies to size of pan and number of eggs)
Choice of glace.
Olive Oil and Balsamic Vinegar
Olive Oil and Tabasco / Chilli Sauce
Fish Sauce (sparingly) and Chilli
Produce an egg in about 60 seconds.
Basically fry the bottom then flash steam / poach the top to end up with a froached egg. :)
If you have toast put in toaster now.
Yes it's that quick :)
Heat pan over medium heat (how hot pan is at start is most important - not so hot as to bubble the eggs.)
- add oil and add the butter (if you like).
- breaks eggs into pan.
- in approx 30 seconds the bottoms should be opaque and stable enough to take more heat - at this stage the yolks and top will still be quite uncooked.
- Turn heat up wait a few seconds to hear the sizzle
- lift lid and pour in about 2 tablespoons of hot water and immediately replace lid.
Should be just enough water to instantly turn to steam not drown the eggs in 1/2 inch of bubbling water.
- The steam will rise, hit the lid and be reflected back onto the eggs cooking them nearly instantly.
- Once tops of eggs are cooked, turn off heat, remove lid to let the steam out and evapourate remaining water.
- Remove with an egg slice and place on toast spread with seasoned (to taste) avocado.
Garnish with slices of avocado and sliced red pepper
Drizzle with your choice of
- Olive Oil and Balsamic Vinegar
- Olive Oil and Tabasco / Chilli Sauce
- Fish Sauce (sparingly) and thinly sliced fresh Chilli
Serve and enjoy.
Let me know how you go or if any questions.