1. Slowly melt the sugar - low heat and constant stirring. This takes awhile, so be patient.
2. After you have the sugar melted, stir in the raspberry liquor and take the mixture off heat. Be careful, the mixture is VERY, VERY hot and you don't want that on your skin!
3. Pour the sticky, viscous liquor into the molds - be quick, the mixture hardens quickly without heat. Swirl to spread.
4. Mix the egg yokes, evaporated milk and condensed milk with a whisk (don't use a mixer) until the mixture is smooth and even.
5. Mix in the vanilla extract. Don't mix for too long.
6. Heat the oven to 350 degress.
7. Pour the egg mixture into the mold(s). Don't let it be thicker than 1/2 inch in depth. You may want to use multiple molds for individual servings.
8. Put the mold(s) into a shallow pan with water (maybe 1/2 inch of water).
9. Bake for 50 to 70 minutes and check by sticking a knife 1/2 way into the flan to see if there's any stickiness or wet residue when withdrawn. Make sure there's water in the pan through-out the baking process.
10. Wait 20~40 minutes after baking. Flip the flan out from the mold and you'll see the golden brown sugar dripping ontop (as in the picture).