Dissolve yeast in milk, add one tea spoon of flour and one tea spoon of sugar. Leave in warm place till it doubles.
Grind egg yolks with sugar.
In large bowl, sift flour, add yolks mixture, yeast mixture and lemon zest. Knead dough, after 5 min add melted butter.
Knead till dough is uniformed. Place in warm place till dough rises.
Meantime prepare stuffing, chop coarsely figs, dates ad nuts, add raisins, orange zest and rum, mix well.
Cut dough in half. Roll out, smear with whipped egg white, cover with half of stuffing and roll, sealing ends. Repeat with remaining dough and stuffing.
Twist together both rolls, place on baking tray, smear with egg white.
Bake about 45 min. till golden brown, in 180 C degrees.