This is a quick and easy recipe, if the only things you happen to have lying around are dried cranberries, pine nuts and a tin of mackerel.
Although better suited to a slice of toasted wholemeal baguette and possibly a glass of dry and mildly fruity white wine.
halve the cranberries and roughly chop up the pine nuts, or crush them in a paper bag.
heat your pan to a high heat and add a tiny splash of light olive oil. Toss in the mackerel and pine nuts, then lightly brown the fish breaking it into smaller chunks. Careful not to take too long as the meat loses moisture quickly.
the fish is almost ready so start grilling a couple of slices of bread. Then mix the cranberries to the pan and turn off the heat. Add a splash of balsamic vinegar & oil.
take out your bread, turn over one of the toasted slices and spread your filling onto it. Break the cheddar into small pieces, sprinkle it over your fish and put it back into the grill till it's nicely melted.
finally season with some freshly ground pepper, compile your sandwich, cut, and eat.