This is a ridiculously simple recipe for some basic, Japanese-influenced cucumber pickles. Absolutely perfect on top of a small bowl of hot rice.
1. "Stripe" your cucumbers with a peeler (as in peel only a few sides off). Slice chunkily.
2. In a tupperware, add 1 part light soy sauce to 1.5 parts apple vinegar - enough to cover the cucumbers when you put them in. Slice some ginger thinly and add a couple of smashed garlic cloves (break the cloves with the side of your knife and throw them in whole). Add a glug of sesame oil and scatter some sesame seeds on top. Put your cucumber chunks in the mixture and give it a stir. Store in the fridge.
3. You can eat them within a couple of hours, but of course leaving them in the fridge for a day will help intensify the taste of the cucumber.
Serve on top of something plain, like freshly-steamed white rice.