chicken cut into bite-sized pieces
200 mL of chicken stock
3 or 4 sun-dried tomatoes rehydrated and sliced
minced shallots
a knob of butter
olive oil
a few bunches of spinach chopped
honey to taste
a splash of lemon juice
a little basil
1. Heat up the chicken stock in a pan. Toss in the sun-dried tomatoes to rehydrate. It takes maybe 20 minutes to rehydrate. The flavor will also release into the stock.
2. In a pan on medium-high heat, heat up a couple tablespoons of olive oil. Once heated toss in your shallots and cook for a minute or so. Next sprinkle salt and pepper on your chicken and add to the pan.
3. When the chicken has browned nicely on all sides deglaze with a ladel of the stock and get the brown bits from the pan. Splash in the lemon and put in the sliced tomatoes.
4. Turn down the heat to medium-low. Add a little more stock if it's evaporating along with just a dollop of the honey and then the spinach - stems first, leaves a minute or so later. Once the spinach wilts toss in a bit of basil and the butter. Check for seasoning and adjust if necessary.