- 4-5 quarters of preserved lemons (this means 1 1/4 lemons) cut in smaller pieces
- one chopped onion
- 1 tablespoon ginger and 1 tablespoon curcuma (this will add to the nice yellow color of the resulting sauce)
- skinned chicken (I added 2 legs and 2 breasts without bones) cut in pieces (not very small)
- olive oil
- 10 olives (I could only find black olives)
- do not add salt, it will come from the lemons!
Ever since I returned from a few days trip to Morocco I have tried to reproduce a dish which I liked a lot there: chicken with preserved lemons. I had several unsuccessful tries with fresh lemons but the result was too sour. So in order to prepare this dish I required preserved lemons.
1. Mandatory step: preserved lemons * take a lemon, cut it almost in half, but leave the 2 parts joint. Do the same think on a perpendicular direction. This will leave you a lemon cut in 4 pieces but still tied together by the lemon skin. * add as much salt as possible * put in a glass jar which has a way to seal the content (like a metal cap) * prepare other lemons in the same way and put them in the glass jar (as much lemons as it can fit). I managed to fit 6 lemons in a 1l glass jar. * add lemon juice (from other lemons) until all the lemons in the jar are immersed * add some extra salt * fit the cap and seal the jar * each 1-2 days for about a weak add more salt (this is one step I forgot) * leave in a dry, cool and dark place for 4-6 weeks.
2. Brown the chicken in olive oil until it's white
3. Remove the chicken and sauce
4. Brown the onion in a tablespoon of olive oil
5. Add the ginger and the curcuma and some pepper and stir for 1 minute (be careful not to burn the curcuma)
6. Add the chicken, 1 cup (250 ml) of water, the lemons and one tablespoon of the lemons sauce
7. Leave it on a low flame for 20 minutes
8. Serve with couscous