I was impressed by the simplicity and taste of roasted tomatoes and onions by
netwalker. It's a pity the original recipe is gone after recent database crash, but I hope it will be back soon.
I decided to add fish to the whole thing. It's the same as in original recipe except I added two carp steaks into the middle along with cherry tomatoes. The fish needs no special spices. Next I salted and peppered the dish with 5 different freshly ground pepper types before roasting, not after.
...The odors in the kitchen were indulging... Thyme does magic here.
(Using dried thyme instead of fresh worked pretty well too.)
Original recipe
was HERE.
Here it is in case it never returns to OSF again:
Slice tomatoes and onions really thin, some 1.5-2 mm thin. Place them into deep baking tray one on top of other, interchanging onion and tomato slices and forming a nice ratatouille style arrangement. Bravely drizzle some EVO and thyme leaves (fresh or dried). Generously add freshly ground pepper, but leave salt for later. Salt only when done. Bake in 200C preheated oven until onions start to caramelize and blacken - it's crispy and tasty!