2 Cups French Mini Peas, prewashed
2 Cups Baby Zucchini
2 Cups Yellow Sunburst Squash
3 White Turnips, sliced
3 Large Radishes, sliced
1/4 Cup Light Butter i.e. Land O Lakes
4 Tbspn Basil Olive Oil
2 Tsp Chives
These vegetables are a great accompaniment to any sides, paticularly beef:
- Start by boiling a pot of water and adding all the vegetables to the pot
- Add salt and let cook for 10-15 minutes until tender
- In a saucepan add basil olive oil and butter and head
- Add the vegetables, draining all water
- Cook for another 5-10 minutes until the vegetables are coated in butter
- Add chives
Remove from heat and serve as side to any dish.
Serves 6.