I only know two ways of eating buckwheat pasta: the classic Northern Italian dish of pizzocheri, and this one which I made up. Still looking for other sauces or ingredients that would go nicely with buckwheat, other than the Japanese ways of cooking soba. This dish is best served chilled and is good for packed lunches.
1. Boil water and cook pasta according to package instructions.
2. Meanwhile, wrap tofu in kitchen paper to drain off extra moisture.
3. Halve avocado and remove seed. Scoop out flesh with a spoon.
4. Squeeze some lemon juice over the avocado and mash until it is smooth.
5. Add tofu and cheese, whisk well until you get a green cream-like paste.
6. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
7. Drain cooked pasta in a colander and chill under running water.
8. Add to avocado-tofu cream and mix well. Top with sprouts if you like them.