
  • 700 gr tomatoes
  • 2 big onions
  • 5 garlics
  • pepper
  • sea salt
  • basilicum
  • olive oil
  • 1 Ciabatta (italian bread)


Hmm... Bruschetta... When I've been in Rome, Italy we ate sooo many Bruschettas! I have to admit that we had the best Bruschettas not in a typical italian restaurant, but in the Hard Rock Cafe in Rome. It tasted just sooooooooo good!

So... after a few months... finally I make my own ones. Actually I didn't use Ciabatta - the real Italian bread - 'cause we just don't have it here in our little shop in our village. I just used an other pretty similar bread. But try it with Ciabatta and with some real GOOD olive oil of Italy! You'll love it!

  1. Cut the tomatoes and onions in small pieces (dices) and mix in a bowl.
  2. Press 3 of the garlics and give also into the mixture.
  3. Spice with sea salt and pepper - set aside for a couple of minutes and fill in some olive oil.
  4. Cut the Ciabatta into pieces, spread with olive oil and garlic and bake for ca. 6-8 mins. in the 200°C preheated oven. 
  5. Cut the basilicum and also add to the mixture. Mix everything and after baking the breads put some of the mixture on every slice.