· 300 g of good dark chocolate (more than 70% cocoa)
· 250 ml of pasteurized double cream
· Citrus zest
· 50 g of fat unsalted butter
· 5 cloves
· One vanilla pot
· One cinnamon stick and a teaspoon of cinnamon powder
· 50 ml of a good booze (whiskey, brandy, rum)
· One hand full of raisins and dried fruits
· One pinch of salt (it will intensify the taste of chocolate)
· Dark cocoa dust (for serving)
· Coconut flakes (for serving)
· Chopped walnuts, almond, nuts, peanuts, pistachio (for serving)
· A lot of attention and patience
Stir the double cream with cloves, cinnamon, the citrus zest and the pulp of the vanilla pot into a thick bottom stainless steel pan on a low flame and bring them to heat (be careful not to boil the cream because you will ruin the truffles). If is boiling let it a little bit to cool down (you must be able to melt the butter and the chocolate into the cream). Let hem to simmer for few minutes and then get out the cloves and the cinnamon stick from the cream. Then melt the butter into the cream. On a clean glass or porcelain boll put the smashed chocolate and add the heated, flavored cream in it. Mix them carefully with a whisk up until all ingredients are incorporated and smoothly melt. Add one shot (50 ml) of nice booze. If you like it at this moment you can add the chopped raisins and dried fruits. Do not forget to add one pinch of salt, it will make the whole difference, it will intensify the taste of chocolate into your truffles. Pour the mixture into the fridge for few hours or overnight (during this time you can enjoy the rest of that cool booze). When the mixture is hard enough to be molded, you can bring your truffles to life, you can use a spoon heated in hot water to form the truffles easier. You can dust them with cocoa, coconut flakes, chopped nuts or whatever you like (use your imagination).