beef liver steak recipe

Healthy and Hearty

Beef liver is one of the best sources of iron, making it a great addition to the diet if you're dealing with iron deficiency. Iron is important for producing healthy red blood cells, and including foods like liver can help boost your iron levels naturally. This beef liver steak recipe is simple, delicious, and packed with nutrients. Let’s dive into how to prepare this meal to support your health.


  • 1 pound of beef liver (sliced).
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil or butter.
  • 1 large onion (thinly sliced).
  • 2 cloves of garlic (minced).
  • 1 cup of milk (optional for soaking).
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice (optional for soaking).
  • Salt and pepper to taste.
  • Fresh herbs for garnish (parsley or thyme).

Why Beef Liver Is Good for Iron Deficiency

Beef liver is one of the richest sources of heme iron, the type of iron that’s easier for the body to absorb. One serving of beef liver can provide more than 50% of the recommended daily iron intake. It's also loaded with other essential vitamins and minerals like vitamin A, vitamin B12, and folate, all of which are beneficial for overall health, especially for those experiencing anemia or iron deficiency.

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Prep the Liver

If you’re not used to cooking liver, it may have a stronger taste than you’re accustomed to. To mellow the flavor and remove any bitterness, soak the liver in milk or lemon juice for 30 minutes to 2 hours before cooking. This step is optional but highly recommended, especially for those new to eating liver. After soaking, drain the liver and pat it dry with paper towels.

2. Heat the Pan

In a large skillet, heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil or butter over medium heat. You want the oil or butter to be hot but not smoking, to properly sear the liver and create a nice crust.

3. Cook the Onions

Add the sliced onions to the pan and sauté them for about 5-7 minutes, until they become soft and slightly caramelized. Onions add sweetness to the dish, balancing out the strong flavor of the liver. Once the onions are cooked, remove them from the skillet and set them aside on a plate.

4. Sear the Liver

Add the beef liver slices to the skillet. Cook them for about 3-4 minutes on each side. Be careful not to overcook the liver, as it can become tough and chewy. The liver should be browned on the outside but still slightly pink in the middle to keep it tender.

5. Add Garlic

When the liver is almost done cooking, add the minced garlic to the pan. Cook for another minute, stirring to mix the garlic with the liver and release its flavor.

6. Season

Season the liver with salt and pepper to taste. You can also add a squeeze of lemon juice for a fresh, zesty touch. The lemon juice helps cut through the richness of the liver.

7. Combine and Serve

Once the liver is cooked, add the caramelized onions back into the pan and stir everything together. Garnish with fresh herbs like parsley or thyme for an added layer of flavor. Serve the liver steak with a side of steamed vegetables, mashed potatoes, or a fresh salad for a complete, nutrient-dense meal.

Tips for Cooking Beef Liver

  • Don’t overcook: Liver cooks quickly, and overcooking can make it tough. Keep an eye on it and remove it from the heat as soon as it’s browned and slightly pink inside.
  • Soaking the liver: If the strong taste of liver is a concern, soaking it in milk or lemon juice can help mellow the flavor.
  • Pair with vitamin C: Eating foods rich in vitamin C, such as citrus fruits or bell peppers, with beef liver can help your body absorb the iron more efficiently.

Why This Recipe is Great for Iron Deficiency

Iron deficiency can lead to symptoms like fatigue, weakness, and pale skin. Including iron-rich foods like beef liver in your diet can help replenish your iron stores and improve your overall energy levels. In addition to iron, beef liver is high in vitamin B12, which supports healthy nerve function and red blood cell production. This recipe is also easy to make and doesn’t require many ingredients, making it a convenient and nutritious option for those looking to boost their iron intake.

Tasty and Nutritious Source of Iron

This beef liver steak recipe is a tasty and nutritious way to address iron deficiency. Packed with iron and other essential vitamins, it’s a powerhouse meal that can help improve your health. Plus, with the right cooking methods, you can enjoy the tender and flavorful liver steak even if you're new to eating liver. Give this recipe a try, and enjoy the benefits of this iron-rich superfood!