Generously season insides of hens with spices and crushed garlic and juice of 1 lemon. Rub them on the outside as well. If the seasoning has no salt then salt the whole dish.
Carefully line insides of each hen with whole rosemary branches. If there's some branches left place them among wings and thighs later.
Halve remaining lemons and onions and stuff them inside each hen, adding dried prunes where possible. Fix the rear openings of hens with toothpicks (remove them when serving). Put all hens into large baking tray, surrounded with halved potatoes and carrot sticks. Sprinkle these with EVO and caraway seeds. In 220C preheated oven bake until golden brown and some blackening appears on carrots.
Garnish: steam string beans. Serve with slice of lime and grated hard cheese (Parmesan) over beans.