For Dough:
- 350 grams of flour
- 200 grams of butter
- 100 grams of sour cream
- 1 egg
- 1 yolk
- pinch of salt
- 10 grams of yeast
- half spoon of sugar
For filling:
- 500 grams of apples, cores cut out, cut into eigths
- custer suger and vanila suger for dusting
- Stif the flour, put in slices of butter and yeast mixed with sugar, add cream, yolk, egg, knead swiftly.
- Form dough into ball and keep in the fridge over night.
- Next day, roll the dough into 3-4 mm thick, cut out circles, place apple and close
- Bake in preheated oven, in 180 degrees, till golden brown.
- Dust with custer/ vanila sugar mixture.